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Some of you have commented on the picture flag of the kids we have on the front of the house. Here's a link to the website we got it from. They start at about $20.00.
Click >>Here<<
Thanks for stopping by, Jim Siefert
>> My Videos on YouTube <<
I've put put some videos on YouTube, click here
>> My Pictures <<
Click here for my latest pictures and video clips.
>> My Tips, Tricks & Software Picks <<
Click here for my tips, tricks and personally recommended software picks.
I added some new free recommendations.

Winter in Chenango County NY.
(click here for a larger image)

Autumn in Chenango County NY.
(click here for a larger view)
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All content copyrighted 2006-2024 by James Siefert. Used by permission only.
This is Jim Siefert formerly of Norwich NY & Levittown NY, now from Oxford NY & Lakeland FL. Links above may take you away from this web site and to other independently owned and operated web sites.
They may or may not have any direct affiliation with Jim Siefert or JimSiefert.com
Their names and logos are their property and not of Jim Siefert or JimSiefert.com
There are no warranties implied or otherwise.
Use of these other services/products is at your own risk.