If you're looking for my "Tips...Software Picks," that's a different page, click here
First and foremost, because you know how I feel about security, AVG for Android is my first app recommendation. AVG, as you may already know, was my first choice for antivirus protection on the desktop for many years before I switched. AVG is still a highly respected AV solution and I currently use it on my Droid. More info & download here
Of course there are many, many excellent (and free) apps that I didn't mention yet, so if you're looking for a particular type of app or need a solution to a problem that is not covered here, let me know and I'd be happy to make a recommendation. And, if you have a recommendation of an app that you use & would like to recommend. Let me know, I'd be happy to check it out & add it to my phone & this page.
Questions? Need clarification? Step by step instructions? Call or email me. I really would be happy to help.
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